Monday, April 9, 2012

Friends Making Friends

Friend Makin’ Mondays: Trigger Foods

  1. Are there foods in your life that always seem to trigger overeating?  Yes
  2. If so, what are they?Chips and salsa anything sweet
  3. When are you most likely to give into strong cravings? In the morning actually
  4. Are you more likely to be triggered by salty foods or sugary foods?  Sugar
  5. How do you get back on track after overeating?  I exercise and try to focus on those clean foods
  6. Are there any foods that you allow yourself to eat without limits? Yeah, Fruits and Veggies (I don't really want to over indulge with them)
  7. Do you notice a change in your emotions while eating trigger foods? yes, I am totally in a bad mood and blame everyone else! 
  8. Do you have a strategy to keep yourself from overeating trigger foods? I try to avoid those foods. I get up and walk away. The food does not have legs it  cannot follow me.
Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions!  Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments!  Happy Monday!


  1. I lovvvve chips and salsa. Homemade guac is also a fav! Hope you have a great monday and thanks for following my blog!

  2. Hey Liz. Just followed you over from Molly's blog. Congrats on your weight loss so far! booyah!!

    1. Thank you! I feel good about the loss hoping to put more numbers up soon!

  3. Stopping by from FMM! Yum... Chips and salsa! I used to eat a very unhealthy amount of that. It was ridiculous.

    Good luck in your continued journey!

  4. Are you doing the zig zag diet? Keep up the great work!

    1. No I am not, at least I am not trying too. I may actually be doing it without thinking. I just try to make sure my calories are under a manageable amount.

      Have you had success with the zig zag diet?
